呼吸閥選型樣本 上海申弘閥門有限公司 *部分:呼吸閥 SECTION 1:PRESSURE/VACUUM RELIEF VALVE 8110 系列呼吸閥 -----------------------------------------------5 SERIES 8110 PRESSURE/VACUUM RELIEF VALVE 8120 系列呼吸閥 -----------------------------------------------7 SERIES 8120 PRESSURE/VACUUM RELIEF VALVE 8130 系列呼閥 -------------------------------------------------9 SERIES 8130 PRESSURE RELIEF VALVE 8136 系列呼閥-------------------------------------------------11 SERIES 8136 PRESSURE RELIEF VALVE 8140 系列吸閥-------------------------------------------------13 SERIES 8140 VACUUM RELIEF VALVE 8145 系列吸閥-------------------------------------------------15 SERIES 8145 VACUUM RELIEF VALVE 夾套呼吸閥 ---------------------------------------------------17 STEAM JACKET PRESSURE/VACUUM RELIEF VALVE 第二部分:緊急泄放閥 SECTION 2:EMERGENCY PRESSURE RELIEF VALVE 8160 系列緊急泄放閥--------------------------------------------18 SERIES 8160 EMERGENCY PRESSURE/VACUUM RELIEF VALVE 8170 系列緊急泄放閥--------------------------------------------19 SERIES 8170 EMERGENCY PRESSURE/VACUUM RELIEF VALVE 8180 系列緊急泄放閥--------------------------------------------20 SERIES 8180 EMERGENCY PRESSURE RELIEF VALVE 第三部分:先導(dǎo)式呼吸閥 SECTION 3:PILOT OPERATED PRESSURE/VACUUM RELIEF VALVE 9800 系列先導(dǎo)式呼吸閥------------------------------------------21 SERIES 9800 PILOT OPERATED PRESSURE/VACUUM RELIEF VALVE 第四部分:氣體調(diào)節(jié)閥 SECTION 4:BLANKET GAS REGULATOR 8800 系列氣體調(diào)節(jié)閥 -------------------------------------------23 SERIES 8800 BLANKET GAS REGULATOR 第五部分:阻火器 SECTION 5:FLAME ARRESTER ZHII 型阻火器-------------------------------------------------25 TYPE ZHII FLAME ARRESTER 上圖是典型的儲罐安全保護(hù)裝置安裝圖。大多數(shù)儲罐上均安裝有呼吸閥、緊急泄放閥(或緊急泄放人孔)和氣體調(diào)節(jié)閥等裝置。呼吸閥能夠在泵注入/抽出介質(zhì)或熱交換的條件下,提供壓力或真空泄放,從而防止儲罐破裂或被抽癟。緊急泄放閥(或緊急泄放人孔)具有兩個功能:一是快速泄放由于罐周圍有火情或超過設(shè)計流量的介質(zhì)注入儲罐造成的超壓;二是在常規(guī)吸閥未正常開啟的且壓力恒定的情況下吸入空氣進(jìn)行卸壓(針對帶吸閥的緊急泄放閥而言)。上海申弘閥門有限公司主營閥門有:減壓閥(氣體減壓閥,可調(diào)式減壓閥,波紋管減壓閥,活塞式減壓閥,蒸汽減壓閥,先導(dǎo)式減壓閥,空氣減壓閥,氮氣減壓閥,水用減壓閥,自力式減壓閥,比例減壓閥)、安全閥、保溫閥、低溫閥、球閥、截止閥、閘閥、止回閥、蝶閥、過濾器、放料閥、隔膜閥、旋塞閥、柱塞閥、平衡閥、調(diào)節(jié)閥、疏水閥、管夾閥、排污閥、排氣閥、排泥閥、氣動閥門、電動閥門、高壓閥門、中壓閥門、低壓閥門、水力控制閥、真空閥門、襯膠閥門、襯氟閥門。氣體調(diào)節(jié)閥是一種調(diào)節(jié)裝置,它通過控制高壓氣體的流量使儲罐保持較低的氣體壓力,并當(dāng)儲罐中的介質(zhì)被抽出或罐內(nèi)氣體釋放熱量壓力降低時保持罐內(nèi)正壓。阻火器的功能是阻止火焰在氣體管道系統(tǒng)內(nèi)的傳播以保護(hù)儲存有易燃性介質(zhì)的低壓儲罐。它可以通過阻止外部熱量和火焰的傳播來保護(hù)罐內(nèi)低閃點的介質(zhì),從而提高罐的防火性能和安全性能。通常情況下,將出口通大氣的呼吸閥安裝于阻火器頂部。 Typical safety equipment installation on a tank is illustrated in above figure. Most tanks will have provision for a pressure/vacuum relief valve, an emergency relief valve(or emergency relief manhole) and a gas blanket regulator。 The pressure/vacuum relief valve is designed to provide pressure/vacuum relief under normal pump in/out and thermal breathing conditions. Soit protects the tank against rupturing or imploding. The emergency relief valve(emergency relief manhole) has two functions: one is to discharge rapidly theoverpressure developed during the fire around the storage tank or theexcessive fluid intake more than the capacity of pump designed, the other isto intake the air under the constant pressure for the irregular operation ofnormal vacuum relief valve during the unloading (aim at emergency relief valve with vacuum part). The gas blanketing regulator is a precision regulatorthat is capable of maintaining a very low gas pressure in the tank bycontrolling the flow of a high pressure blanketing gas. It maintains a positivetank pressure when fluid is pumped out or as fluid temperature decreases.Aflame arrester is designed to inhibit flame propagation in gas piping systemsand to protect low pressure tanks containing flammable liquids. They protectlow flash point liquids from externally caused sources of heat and ignition,providing increased fire protection and safety. A majority of the time, a “vent toatmosphere” pressure/vacuum valve is installed on top of the flame arrester
 結(jié)構(gòu)特點 Structure Features各型號設(shè)定壓力范圍 Setting Pressure Range of all Types 1. 口徑從2"到12";Sizes 2" through 12"; 3. 模塊化結(jié)構(gòu);Modular construction; 5. 進(jìn)出口法蘭按ANSI B16.5 150Lb RF ;(特殊情況可按用戶要求)。 The flanges of inlet and outlet are ANSIB16.5 150Lb RF.(It can be required byuser). 2. 可選擇鋁合金、碳鋼、不銹鋼和其它材質(zhì); Available in aluminum, carbon steel,stainless steel and other materials; 4. FEP 膜片能有效防止閥座與閥盤粘連,也可依據(jù)工況要求選擇其它軟密封或硬密封結(jié)構(gòu); FEP diaphragms can effectively preventseat and pallet from sticking, Select theseal structure according to the operationconditions;

例 Example: 記為:8110-06-133-FO 表示 6"-8110 型呼吸閥,閥體材質(zhì)為碳鋼,閥盤和閥座材質(zhì)均為304SS,膜片材質(zhì)為FEP,無夾套。 Indicates a 6" type 8110 with carbon steel body, 304SS pallet and seat, FEP seat diaphragmand no jacket.  結(jié)構(gòu)特點 Structure Features 各型號設(shè)定壓力范圍 Setting Pressure Range of all Types 1. 口徑從2"到12";Sizes 2" through 12"; 3. 管道排放;Piped away; 5. FEP 膜片能有效防止閥座與閥盤粘連,也可依據(jù)工況要求選擇其它軟密封或硬密封結(jié)構(gòu); FEP diaphragms can effectively preventseat and pallet from sticking, Select theseal structure according to the operationconditions; 2. 可選擇鋁合金、碳鋼、不銹鋼和其它材質(zhì); Available in aluminum, carbon steel,stainless steel and other materials; 4. 模塊化結(jié)構(gòu); Modular construction; 6. 進(jìn)出口法蘭按ANSI B16.5 150Lb RF ;(特殊情況可按用戶要求)。The flanges of inlet and outlet are ANSIB16.5 150Lb RF.(It can be required byuser).

例 Example: 記為:8120-06-133-FO 表示 6"-8120 型呼吸閥,閥體材質(zhì)為碳鋼,閥盤和閥座材質(zhì)均為304SS,膜片材質(zhì)為FEP,無 夾套。 Indicates a 6" type 8120 with carbon steel body, 304SS pallet and seat, FEP seat diaphragmand no jacket. 結(jié)構(gòu)特點 Structure Features 各型號設(shè)定壓力范圍 Setting Pressure Range of all Types 結(jié)構(gòu)尺寸 Main Dimensions 
*W 未在圖中注出 *W is not marked in figures 1. 口徑從2"到12";Sizes 2" through 12"; 3. 管道排放;Piped away; 5. FEP 膜片能有效防止閥座與閥盤粘連,也可依據(jù)工況要求選擇其它軟密封或硬密封結(jié)構(gòu); FEP diaphragms can effectively preventseat and pallet from sticking, Select theseal structure according to the operationconditions; 2. 可選擇鋁合金、碳鋼、不銹鋼和其它材質(zhì);Available in aluminum, carbon steel,stainless steel and other materials; 4. 模塊化結(jié)構(gòu);Modular construction; 6. 進(jìn)出口法蘭按ANSI B16.5 150Lb RF ;(特殊情況可按用戶要求)。The flanges of inlet and outlet are ANSIB16.5 150Lb RF.(It can be required byuser).  例 Example: 記為:8136-06-133-FO 表示 6"-8136 型呼閥,閥體材質(zhì)為碳鋼,閥盤和閥座材質(zhì)均為304SS,膜片材質(zhì)為FEP,無夾套。 Indicates a 6" type 8136 with carbon steel body, 304SS pallet and seat, FEP seat diaphragmand no jacket.

結(jié)構(gòu)特點 Structure Features 各型號設(shè)定壓力范圍 Setting Pressure Range of all Types 結(jié)構(gòu)尺寸 Main Dimensions 2″ 50 278 152 156 252 3″ 80 381 190 190 311 4″ 100 447 229 224 392 6″ 150 565 285 280 430 8″ 200 684 343 301 639 10″ 250 782 380 345 650 12″ 300 1004 483 435 747 *W 未在圖中注出*W is not marked in figures 1. 口徑從2"到12";Sizes 2" through 12"; 3. 模塊化結(jié)構(gòu);Modular construction; 5. 進(jìn)出口法蘭按ANSI B16.5 150Lb RF ;(特殊情況可按用戶要求)。The flanges of inlet and outlet are ANSIB16.5 150Lb RF.(It can be required byuser). 2. 可選擇鋁合金、碳鋼、不銹鋼和其它材質(zhì);Available in aluminum, carbon steel,stainless steel and other materials; 4. FEP 膜片能有效防止閥座與閥盤粘連,也可依據(jù)工況要求選擇其它軟密封或硬密封結(jié)構(gòu); FEP diaphragms can effectively preventseat and pallet from sticking, Select theseal structure according to the operationconditions;  記為:8140-06-133-FO 表示 6"-8140 型吸閥,閥體材質(zhì)為碳鋼,閥盤和閥座材質(zhì)均為304SS,膜片材質(zhì)為FEP,無夾套。 Indicates a 6" type 8140 with carbon steel body, 304SS pallet and seat, FEP seat diaphragmand no jacket.
表示 6"-8145 型吸閥,閥體材質(zhì)為碳鋼,閥盤和閥座材質(zhì)均為304SS,膜片材質(zhì)為FEP,無夾套。 Indicates a 6" type 8145 with carbon steel body, 304SS pallet and seat, FEP seat diaphragmand no jacket. 
結(jié)構(gòu)特點 Structure Features 各型號設(shè)定壓力范圍 Setting Pressure Range of all Types 1. 口徑從2"到12";Sizes 2" through 12"; 3. 超壓低于10%即能達(dá)到全排量;Full open at less than 10% overpressure; 5. 軟密封閥座結(jié)構(gòu)能夠降低產(chǎn)品消耗,減少磨損,從而提高可靠性。Soft seats seal tight to conserve productand minimize valve wear which improvesreliability; 2. 可選擇鋁合金、碳鋼、不銹鋼和其它材質(zhì);Available in aluminum, carbon steel,stainless steel and other materials; 4. 達(dá)到設(shè)定壓力時,主閥仍保持密封;Main valve remains tight to set pressure; 6. 進(jìn)出口法蘭按ANSI B16.5 150Lb RF ;(特殊情況可按用戶要求)。 The flanges of inlet and outlet are ANSIB16.5 150Lb RF.(It can be required byuser). 
例 Example: 記為:ZHII-06-13 表示 6"-ZHII 型阻火器,閥體材質(zhì)為碳鋼,阻火元件材質(zhì)均為304SS。 Indicates a 6" type ZHII with carbon steel body, 304SS flame element. 1.適用儲存閃點低于28℃的甲類油品和閃點低于60℃乙類油品,如汽油、甲苯、煤油、原油等立式儲油罐上; 2.可與相應(yīng)規(guī)格的呼吸閥配套使用; 3.阻火元件由不銹鋼波紋鋼帶卷制而成。 4.操作壓力≤1.0MPa; 5.進(jìn)出口法蘭按ANSI B16.5 150Lb RF。(特殊情況可按用戶要求,與本文相關(guān)的論文有:什么是閥門 |